Vermont fake ID card Vermont fake ID card

Vermont fake ID card

Price:  $100
Group Price
  • 2-3 Cards, $90.00 Each
  • 4-9 Cards, $70.00 Each
  • 10+ Cards, $60.00 Each

The Best Vermont fake ID card is printed on polycarbonate and features the cardholder’s signature with tactile laser protrusions. The real ID matches the star cut within the circle.
Optical variable ink with solid outlines of gold and green on the card, as well as many microprints. Rainbow printing and laser printing of cardholder images.
The UV design under black light features butterflies and state flowers, with a red clover on the front. The back design is a repetition of the state abbreviation VT in the text.
There is a scannable two-dimensional barcode on the back. The birth date and expiration date of the cardholder’s ID card are printed on the back of the card and on the Vermont emblem.

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